Special Needs Trusts

What is a Special Needs Trust (“SNT”)?

A Special Needs Trust (or Supplemental Needs Trust) is a way for people to invest money for a disabled person, and use that money for their benefit without disrupting certain public benefits that may be available that are means tested. A means tested benefit is one that looks at the assets and/or income of the person to see if they qualify. SNT’s allow the investment of funds and the use to supplement the needs of the disabled person, but not to replace needs already being met by government benefits.

Because government benefits can be affected or terminated by a disabled person having money in their own name or in a trust, an experienced attorney should assist you in evaluating the situation. The attorneys at Guston & Guston can help review all of the benefits currently being received, the age of the disabled person, the source of the funds to be invested and determine the best course of action for the establishment of a trust.

Who can be a Trustee?

Anyone can be a trustee. It is usually a good idea to have one or more successors named in a trust so that there is always someone able to manage the investments and provide for the disabled person through the trust.

Other Financial Issues For Disabled People

Many times, there is financial support available to a disabled person that has not yet been identified. The attorneys at Guston & Guston can assist in reviewing the support available and make recommendations for additional benefits.

There are other opportunities for investment for disabled people, such as the ABLE Accounts. The lawyers at Guston & Guston can assist in identifying issues and making referrals to qualified financial planners and accountants to help sort out these complicated financial issues.


Guston & Guston has been serving the Glen Rock since Herb Guston founded his solo law practice in 1972 and Deb Guston, his daughter joined in him in 1988.


55 Harristown Road, Suite 106,
Glen Rock, NJ 07452

201 – 447-6660 | Fax: 201-447-3831
