We are a family owned firm dedicated to helping all families. Deb Guston and the lawyers and staff at Guston & Guston, L.L.P. have years of experience and training working with families and people of all backgrounds, races, religions and communities. We pride ourselves on our cultural competency and inclusiveness. Walk into our office and you will be greeted by our staff and welcomed to a place where you will find your questions and issues will be addressed individually and privately.
From family formation to family protection, our practice areas are designed to meet the needs of all families, small businesses and members of the community looking to do good in the world through non-profit work.
Guston & Guston has been serving the Glen Rock since Herb Guston founded his solo law practice in 1972 and Deb Guston, his daughter joined in him in 1988.
55 Harristown Road, Suite 106,
Glen Rock, NJ 07452
201 – 447-6660 | Fax: 201-447-3831