Non-Profit Law

Doing Good in the World

At Guston & Guston, we believe in doing good in the world. Our lawyers and staff are actively involved in charitable and civic work. Each year, rather than buying holiday cards and postage, everyone in our office selects a charity and gifts are given in honor or clients and business associates. Our staff is given an opportunity on MLK Day and September 11 each year to take the day off for a day of public service.

Along with our dedication to doing good, we believe in helping clients with reasonably priced legal services to create their own tax-exempt organizations so they can “do good in the world.”

We believe that along with helping our clients start tax-exempt organizations comes the necessity of training them to maintain their organizations and learn good governance standards.

We will help you form your non-profit organization, get it off the ground and keep it running so you can do good in the world.


Guston & Guston has been serving the Glen Rock since Herb Guston founded his solo law practice in 1972 and Deb Guston, his daughter joined in him in 1988.


55 Harristown Road, Suite 106,
Glen Rock, NJ 07452

201 – 447-6660 | Fax: 201-447-3831